Wednesday, June 24, 2015 and the writing process

I love the Web site In fact, I love it so much that I bought a subscription for each of my students! (You can sign up for a trial subscription.) The site teaches via educational hip-hop music and videos. My students love it. I was reviewing the language arts section today with one of my students and clicked on the topic "Writing Process." The site had this to say:

The Writing Process
At this point in time, I would like all of you to get your pens and pencils out, your favorite piece of paper. Because we are about to Plan, Organize, Write, Edit and Revise.

I've been there, procrastinating for days,
Not putting anything on the page.
But if someday you're trying to get paid,
Put a little POWER in your writing game.
It doesn't matter the form or the topic,
Just use POWER like a socket.
P is for Plan, that's step one,
Organize next, in order to get it done.
W is Write, let the words flow,
Then time to Edit if you didn't know.
Last, Revise, make any changes,
A good writer rewrites and rearranges.
Submit your writing to wherever it goes,
Publish, print or email I suppose.
Write smart, keep your readers on their toes,
Here's a spark to make your writing explode.

Yeah, we've got the POWER to write,
Feeling so good, 'cause we powered the night.
First we Plan, son, then Organize,
Then we Write, then we Edit... Oh! Then Revise.

Plan first, decide what you're writing,
What's a good topic that will be exciting?
Who's your audience, who will be the reader?
Are you writing for your peer or a teacher?
Brainstorm ideas and then learn more,
That's research and it's good for sure.
Organize next, pick which facts
You want to lead with, and which to hold back.
Get ideas in order — that's great,
Put your best first and last like a relay race.
Then Write, let it flow right away,
Let your fingers tap dance on the keys, Cab Calloway.
It's a rough draft, it'll have mistakes,
That's OK, just write on the page.
Then Edit — read your writing back,
Is it really, really clear? Is it missing any facts?
Look it over carefully for any mistakes,
Be Sherlock Holmes on a grammatical case.
Get a tutor or a parent, someone you trust,
To put their eyes on it and say what's up.
Then Revise, rework and rewrite,
Put in time to make it come out nice.
Whether it was written by hand or typed,
Your writing game will be colder than ice!

Yeah, we've got the POWER to write,
Feeling so good, 'cause we powered the night.
First we Plan, son, then Organize,
Then we Write, then we Edit... Oh! Then Revise.