Saturday, November 7, 2015

What a day!

Today Margie would have been 62. I've heard lots of stories about her, and I knew I had big shoes to fill when I married Randy. Her friends welcomed me after I had been "vetted." They were polite when "getting to know me," but I knew they were making sure Margie would approve!

Many thanks to Collin Burkott for publishing this poem on the RSF Facebook page in Margie's memory: 

Each year I think of you as I shed so many tears.
It feels like just yesterday though it has been many years.
You're in a better place than this world could give.
Have a happy birthday, the memories I will relive."

Author Unknown

I attended two events today. The first was to meet Harry de Leyer, who in the 1950s bought Snowman for $80. Snowman, a former plowhorse, proved to be a great jumper and all around champion; the pair made history. A documentary of the friendship will be released next year. Tomorrow the film will debut at the Virginia Film Festival in Charlottesville. You can view the trailer here:

I met Mr. de Leyer at Triple L Tack in Fredericksburg. He signed the Breyer company's replica of Snowman, which I bought, and a copy of a book about him, which I had bought a while back.

I left there to attend a Family Fun Day at the King George Recreation Center. I had bought a booth for my school. We played Spin the Wheel and asked lots of trivia questions. Some of the children answered the questions correctly, and some did not. Each received a prize! The children had fun, and the teachers had fun! We talked with lots of parents, and several said they would call me next week to schedule testing and tutoring classes!

Looking at the Rock Spring Farm Essay Contest Facebook tonight page felt strange. Today was the last day to submit an essay. Now the long wait begins.

The big question weighing on everyone's mind is, "How many entries do you have?" The answer is, "We do not know." We will not know for two to three weeks. We hope we reach our goal; if not, we hope we receive enough entries still to award the farm to a winner. The enrolled agent with whom I spoke earlier this week has not received an answer from the IRS about the taxes we will need to pay on the entry fees. That answer may have a huge impact on the outcome of this contest. As difficult as it is to wait, we must wait patiently

PLEASE do not continue to ask if we reached our goal. To me it feels the same as when (many years ago) I was pregnant and people would ask, "Have you had the baby yet?" You get the idea! Randy and I are reading and evaluating the essays as we get them, and WE PROMISE ... as soon as we know how many essays we received, we will let you know! 

As noted, Randy and I will select 25 finalists and pass those essays along to our judges. At that point, Randy will notify the 25 finalists. We will ask those who make the top 25 to keep their identities confidential, and we will invite them to contact us with questions about the property. Once the judges have selected a winner and two runners-up, we will contact the top three and post the 25 names in no particular order.

Here's the timetable:

November 7, Last day to submit essays
November 30, All essays must be received by this date
December 15, We will give 25 essays to the judges and notify the finalists by 9 p.m.
December 16, We will post the 25 entry numbers (not names), in no particular order.
January 1, 2016, We will contact the winner and the first and second runners-up.
TBD, The winner will visit Rock Spring Farm
TBD, After the winner has acknowledged in writing his or her intent to accept the property, we will announce the name of the winner. However, if for any reason the winner decides not to accept the property, we will repeat the process with the first runner-up.

You are free to continue posting on the RSF Facebook page. Please understand that 'Randy and I will be READING essays and not posting on FB on a regular basis.

Thanks for being such a wonderful, supportive, and amazing community!